
Vanilla ice cream, vanilla icing, vanilla vodka, vanilla perfume, vanilla latte’s, vanilla yogurt, vanilla rice krispies….vanilla is just too boring, too used! I do however have to admit that I LOVE the vanilla rice krispies, they make the best ever rice krispie cake….yummmmm ( that is my secret to the best rice krispie cake…shhh don’t tell)


ok so where was I?

Oh ya is vanilla just too blah?

You know is it the old faithful flavor everyone goes too because they are too lazy or not creative enough to think of anything better? Like really isn’t vanilla just a base….most people use vanilla ice cream as a base, they spice it up with fruit or chocolate but really who chooses vanilla as a treat. How many people can honestly say that they like vanilla ice cream, that they would choose it over say….cookie dough?

What about vanilla latte’s, its almost like vanilla is the first flavor that comes to mind but really is it THAT good or are you just going with the flow and ordering it because, well you know, its the “in” thing? Or are you just having a “blah” kinda day, you don’t care you just want something…..vanilla….?

There was vanilla coke but everyone knows that cherry coke was soooo much better!

BUT….After researching vanilla…I appreciate it so much more, is it really that boring or am I just trying to be off the beating path? Do I just like to start controversy?

Mexican farmers work hard for their vanilla crop. Not only is it hand picked…yup hand picked, dipped in boiling water immediately to stop the plant from growing but “dried” out in the sun for 10-20 days they call this letting the plant “sweat” and curing takes 6-9 months!!. Does mint or caramel get this much love? Vanilla is the most expensive spice….no kidding, its a lot of work to get this “seed”. Look how beautiful the actual dried plant is, the flower is gorgeous!


So the next time you eat vanilla ice cream, drink vanilla vodka, a latte or vanilla coke, smell vanilla perfume or air freshener. Savor it, a lot of time and effort went into this beautiful flavor.

And if you ever get called vanilla…take it as a complement… you’re not plain or boring or conventional…think of it as saying that you’re expensive, beautiful and a gets a lot of attention….forget about the fact that is a lil high maintenance.

I think I will go make some vanilla rice krispies and sip on a vanilla latte…hmmmm

for more info about the beautiful bean(seed) vanilla I found my info at or you can always google it 😉




Excuse me!

Excuse me do you have manners?
As you know I work a drive through for a coffee shop (for now). Today I had a lady talking on her cell phone when she came to the window, I handed her drink out as she ignored me as she talked on her phone, when she noticed me, she gave me a dirty look as if to say ‘can’t you see I’m on the phone?’ She didn’t seem to care that she was holding up the line, she said into her phone “hold on, I’m at the drive through” as if I was inconveniencing her, you know to give her a coffee. EXCUSE ME!
I am almost feeling that cell phone users are just about as rude and inconsiderate to others as smokers!!!!!! Its like they are the only ones around, either texting or talking. This one time… band camp……just kidding! I was watching my girls dance practice and I was lucky enough to hear an entire one sided conversation as the lady behind me was chatting with her friend! Excuse me could you go outside or go sit in your car?!?
I admit I’m one of the heads down frantically texting…… Or blogging on my blackberry simply because I love the key pad ha ha. I’m not even that popular!
Don’t even get me started on smokers who feel that it is their right to smoke when and where ever they can. Obviously inside is no longer an option…..whew! Blowing the cancerous haze all over, like I want to smell like a dirty ashtray!? No thanks!
Kissing in public shouldn’t be allowed either, a peck or a cute lil kiss is ok, but when your tongue is visibly going in someone’s mouth….I feel sick inside! I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that so I don’t feel comfortable around it, if you are at an order desk, its definitely NÖT the time for PDA’s!
We say excuse me if we burp or hiccup, something we can’t really help. Where are the manners for the times that we are simply just being plain rude?!
I suppose an apology isn’t necessary when you should take note of some simple etiquette for being in public. And most of all be considerate of others. I could go on and on, but I’m being rude to two little girls as my face is in my cell phone. :s


The evolution of dad`s

Dad’s Day

I’m a few hours late for official Father’s Day but whatev.

It doesn’t take much to be a father, in fact there are several kids out there who obviously have a father….they just haven’t met him yet. It only takes one time to be a father but it takes a life time to be a dad. I find it funny how dad’s are changing…evolving.  In Louise L. Hay’s Empowering Women there is a excerpt from a 1950’s Home Ec. text book that tells women what to do before the husband/dad comes home…

1. Have dinner Ready

2. Prepare yourself ( touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair, be refreshed)

3. Clear away clutter

4. Prepare the children ( wash their face and hands, comb their hair, change their clothes. They are treasures and dad should see them this way)

5. minimize noise (encourage the children to be quiet, and to be happy to see him)

6. then there are some don’ts

7. Listen to him

8. Make the evening his.

Ok so dad’s in the 50’s weren’t bathing the kids, doing laundry, taking the kids to ball practice etc etc. Some men, do what their dad’s did, and what their dad’s did before them so unfortunately some dad’s are still like this.

But like I said before dad’s are evolving. Dad’s are changing diapers, doing laundry, making supper, taking the kids to soccer or even coaching. Dad’s are being much more involved in their kids lives. Gone are the days when dad was the “enforcer”. I’m sure you heard “Just wait until you’re dad comes home!”

Sad to say some dad’s are worse, they don’t pay child support, they never see their kids, they never call their kids. Some part time dad’s get to be the fun parent, let the kids stay up all night, never have to make the kids do homework or have a bath because they only see the kids every second weekend!

But I’m liking the evolving dad. The one that is proud of their kids, loves them when they are having a temper tantrum, and when they are being lil angels. A dad who looks at the report card, or goes to parent teacher interviews. A dad that feeds their messy toddler and cleans up, one that takes the kids without being asked.

I know a few of these dad’s….my friend Stacey’s husband James, Sheena’s husband Derek, my friends Donnie and Darryl (both full time dad’s with half time custody),my uncle David, my friend Bill and the most recent great dad would be my brother Tyler, I know he`ll be a great dad!

So happy father`s day to my friends husbands, my friends, my brother and my dad, who may not have seen many of my skating competitions, but who would do anything I asked him!

And also to the mom`s who play both parts!

Perhaps its us women who are evolving and making the dad`s be more involved…either way, its the family that benefits!



I by no means think I have a green thumb! I have house plants. I believe that having plants in your house is a good thing, for obvious air quality, but on a spiritual level I think plants are important! I believe that your wishes and dreams rest on the leaves. (I don’t want to get too much into that this blog, cuz I’m thinking of a whole different thing right now!) I like seeing my plants grow and I like watering my plants, I’ve actually named my plants, and talk to my plants! (No I am not off my rocker, officially). I have a peace lily, who we call Lily (super original I know). She drinks a lot of water! I have a bamboo, which is meant to bring luck, its growing so much (a good sign I’d say). I have 2 of these common house plants, everyone has em, a fern and the reason of my blog… orchid!

I used to watch a show called X weighted about weight loss kinda thing, the dietitian talked about only feeding your body what you’d feed a plant. Its amazing watching a wilting plants come back to life with a lil water! I feel that when I water my plants and talk to them, they look better! After all a plant is alive, you talk to your dog or cat, I talk to my fish, so why not your plants?

Ok so back to my point! My orchid has not been doing too well, what once had a beautiful stem with 6 flowers on it! The flowers died, the stem died, so I cut the stem off. The leaves started turning brown. I thought this was a gonner! But I pulled the dead the leaves off and tada, its thriving which got me to think of other life suckers! Like negative people who suck up all your energy, take all your “food”, they’ll kill you, kill your spirit, drag you down! Negative people are killers! Get rid of the negative people in your life! You don’t need to feed people that just suck up all your energy! Its better to be alone than to be surrounded by dead plants!



I’ve never been called shy before, doubt I ever will. Although some situations make me a lil “timid” maybe as to shy. But lately I’ve been thinking that if you want something, the best way to get it is to ask for it. Sounds simple doesn’t it? If your thirsty you ask for a drink, if you need to use the washroom, you ask where it is. So I’ve been living by this motto for a lil while, if you want a raise at work… ask, if you want more hours….ask, if you want to date someone….ask. What’s the worst that will happen? They’ll say no to your raise, no to your hours, tell you that the washroom is for employees only….or tell you it isn’t going to work out…or they don’t want to hurt you…

As you can likely guess….I was turned down ;( I am maybe a lil shy in the fact that I asked this guy out in the new age way of “meeting people”….text him. I play slo-pitch with this guy who I hardly know anything about, other than the fact that he can almost pass me running behind me….my legs are short ok, he’s a lot taller than me. He’s cute too.  My friend, Stacey has been bugging me that we should go out so I thought what the heck, why not. I’m not desperate, but a date would be fun and why not get to know someone better right? So I asked the team manager for his cell number and I text him. I only asked if he wanted to go out sometime…I never asked him to marry me and join our family. But he replies that it wouldn’t work out aka I’m not interested. Why not just say that? I guess he’s still in the “fun” dating stage, you know where someone like me…. may get hurt!!! Little does he know that maybe I’d end up hurting him, maybe he’d fall for me and I wouldn’t like him, maybe we wouldn’t have anything in common and only have the one date, but maybe we would have tons in common and have tons of dates and no one would get hurt…maybe he wasn’t not interested in me, but maybe he’s afraid! Yes afraid that I am THAT good! 

That’s what I’m telling myself anyway….he’s a chicken! 

Don’t worry though…this hasn’t deterred me from asking for what I want again. No’s don’t hurt, they make me stronger 🙂 So this time I’ll do a lil more research before I JUMP!

I don’t want to turn into my mother!

So my mom is coming to the city, to watch my girls dance recital. I’m frantically trying to get to dress rehearsal, take one girl to a friends house AND get my house tidied before my mother arrives! I just know she will complain about how messy my apartment is, how there are finger prints on the patio door, there’s streaks on the bathroom mirror because “someone” believes that fingers take steam off the bathroom mirror immediately after a shower. She’ll likely complain that the fridge is dirty, or that I don’t have any food, that my cupboards are unorganized, or Rochelle’s desk is a disaster (which it is), that my floor is dirty with crumbs. I sure hope I don’t turn into my mother!
But on the other hand my mom has always given to her kids before herself. According to her, her kids are the best at everything. She’d do anything for her kids, from the countless hours on the highway driving me to skating, sitting at rink and watching me. To the quick “can you watch the girls today”. She has been a rock. She never complained about driving to skating, driving to pick me up from high school parties. She even helped break into my house at 2 am when my lock broke. Not to mention what she does for her grandchildren, her nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, and neighbors. If there is a little kid involved everyone knows they can count on Lynne to watch them or help out.
She isn’t the BEST cook, and she doesn’t really appreciate the fact that I’m a vegetarian, but she can iron like a steam machine, take stains out of anything. Just ask my brother and sister who brought loads of laundry home for mom to do. She likes her grass mowed but can’t keep a plant alive.
So ya I sure hope I don’t turn out to like my mother, but really if I do a lil, it won’t be that bad!


Someone fell 8 stories and survived…and we can’t think of original TV shows.

So its a beautiful day today but I’m INSIDE my apartment with air conditioning, 4 loads of laundry and a heap of dishes. Which finds me on my couch like a big old white potato.

So yesterday a window cleaner fell 8 stories from an apartment a block away from me. I guess his rope broke….he fell through a little sun room window, fell and was sitting up right after! Yup he survived! Survived an 8 story fall, that’s crazy he definitely had someone looking out for him yesterday. I hope he has a fast recovery, his family has asked for privacy during his recovery but we all know we want to know.

As I channel surf I stumble upon…”Take Me Out”. Its a “game” show where 30 women stand behind a lit up pedestal, and if they aren’t turned on they turn off…their light.  The men get 3 rounds to get a date. They pick a song to be “lowered” in a ‘beam me up Scotty” sort of thing. If the women aren’t turned on, they turn off. Its full of corny sayings and its following the “Find true love on TV”. The Bachelorette, The Bachelor, Baggage, The Bachelor Pad. Jim Jones from Power 97 quoted it as “a douche bag vying for attention of sluts”

Then I end up watching “Saving Hope” ANOTHER Thursday night hospital show! But this one has a twist…there is a ghost surgeon roaming the hospital…I watched it, its not bad, if I’m completely bored next Thursday I may watch it. I should be doing something active and get my potato butt outside.

But wait I’m not done…Two Broke Girls…should be called Two Very Bad Actresses! And tada I’m waiting on my last load of laundry to dry, because someone opened the dryer and my towels were left wet! But its all good because I’ve decided I should wordpress my Thursday TV tantrums.

And I still haven’t be freshly pressed, so please press me, I’m fresh.

Oh ya, AND I had an interview today, and set up another interview for next week….my job garden is growing 🙂


I want to be freshly pressed!

Ya I want to be freshly pressed. Not like a pair of dress pants, clean and crispy, with a definite crease, in fact I don’t want any creases, I’m clean though. I want to be featured on the home page of wordpress….freshly pressed.
There are 372, 634 twitter followers of wordpress. There are 451, 020 bloggers some may not be alive still…I often think of how many dead people have facebook accounts. 857,206 new posts, 1,602,951 comments and 186,027,240 words posted today on wordpress….I want to be the one who is freshly pressed. I should likely add a picture or something to get freshly pressed. I’ve been tagging my blogs, I’ve been responding to comments, I check out the freshly pressed blogs…(ok I look at the pictures and the titles). It’s all in the title, the title is an option that I wish to use. I try to make my titles intriguing….I want people to think, what the heck…lets check this out!

Not only do I want to be freshly pressed….but I have other wants, not material things, even though I was a child of 80’s music and I still adore Madonna, I am not a Material Girl. 

* I want a credit card that I do not have to pay back, with no limit. Either that or a money plant in my house, a rare plant that no one knows about except me….and for some people I know a money plant could be marijuana but I’m not like that.

* I want a job in the media, to have fun at work, and really love what you’re doing would be awesome….plus if I had a limitless credit card, I wouldn’t have to get paid.

* I want fresh bed sheets every day without having to do laundry.

* I want my floor to be clean without having to sweep…perhaps I should use my limitless credit card to either hire a house keeper or buy a robotic vacuum.

* I’d like to have more hours in the day….and I wish I could use less sleep.

Is this too much to ask?
What I want more than anything (today anyway) is to be freshly pressed!
Please freshly press me, I want to be freshly pressed 🙂